BREATHE is a judgment-free zone, inside and outside the hot room. We are a community dedicated to creating a fun and safe environment for everyone, regardless of color, sexual orientation, gender identification, skin color, shape or size. All abilities and disabilities welcome, no matter your flexibility, your strength, your injuries or your goals. We all have to start somewhere, after all…

Our instructors come from various backgrounds and walks of life. We each found our path of yoga and pilates instruction because of the life-changing benefits it afforded us. We are passionate about health and wellness through movement, and we are excited to share what we have learned with our community.



“I breathe so I can connect my mind to my body to my mat.” -SP

“To #breathe more and worry wayyyy less.” -MM

“As an endurance runner, I need a strong core and good flexibility. I found both in a combination of Hot26 and IHP practice. In addition to this, I enjoy the vibes of the studio and friendly people there. It is also how I reward myself at the end of the day after work.” -LC

“If you are a person who is hard on yourself for whatever reason, you quickly learn to be good to yourself.” -JK 

“BREATHE FAMILY is a crucial part of my Boston life…feeling the positivity while hearing motivational words enables me to wash away the stress and find a better version of myself.” -WG